2011년 10월 7일 금요일

My Eyes is for Seein' Somewhere Watchin'

Animal Experimentation: Should it be banned?
By Sol Kim

     Diabetes was a life threatening disease before, but nowadays, thanks to the insulin, they are safe: and insulin would not have been able to help the diabetes patients if there was no animal experimentation. Animal experimentation is needed for humans, thus we should not ban it, and there should be nothing else to be said about it.
     Animal Experimentation is the best option in status quo. There are some alternatives suggested, such as computer simulations or tissue programs. However, those alternatives are inefficient because first, computer simulations are not completely developed and it will never show that people don’t know because all the information it shows is something stored by human. Second, the tissue programs are not adequate for serious and complex diseases such as diabetes: those diseases need mutually working body systems. Third, tissue programs or computer simulations can not build vital organs exactly such as heart or lung. Tissue programs can not produce heart at all.
     Morality is the issue often given by the “moral” side who insists that animal experimentations should be banned. However it is not true: animal experiments are done for the moral purpose: to save humans. As showed above, animal experimentation is the best way to test drugs that are needed for humans and therefore it is in progress. Saving animals and letting humans die is not something that is moral.
     It is so naturalistic, to use other species for the survival of our own. It is like the food cycle: we are using the animals just like they use their preys in order to survive and that is the natural law. Some excessive uses of them are happening in present, it is admitted, but that doesn’t mean animal experimentation should be banned because the status quo can not produce any alternatives.
     Pigs’ tissues and humans’ tissues are only two percent different: current science can not achieve that much similarity. Therefore to save humans, animal experimentations should not be banned, and that is the most moral choice.

댓글 4개:

  1. Interesting. One question: Why are your blog posts titled in such an odd way? Weird.

  2. That's just parts of the song that I like, and I didn't want to put my writings on the blog with boring names like everyone else does, so. :)...

  3. I like your creativity, but somewhere in your post please specify what's what.:)

  4. Yeah, I realized that recently... sorry ㅜㅜ !
