2011년 12월 9일 금요일

Booming System Floshin' Pure Rocks

Stuff KMLA students like

1. Food

Since KMLA is a boarding school with no snack bars, and the only available snack bar-Sosa Rest Place-is permitted only in weekends, also very far (1.7km away from the dormitory), the demand for snacks and food is very high. Students like most of the food: the typical snacks they store in their drawers are chocopie and mongshell. Recently, because the cake order became illegal in KMLA, kids use these chocopies and mongshells as a substitute of the cake. They are built in cake shapes, and when they are melted in the microwave it tastes wonderful! (Though it is very fatty...)

Not only chocopies but something more that comes once a month: chicken. 

That is making me hungry! :(
There's this Chicken Day every month: it usually comes at the last week but it can be changed. We do the survey every month also-of what will our suite choose to eat from the six different kinds of chickens, approximately one to two weeks before the Chicken Day. It's three chickens for one suite, and boys usually find them insufficient.
We cannot eat chicken otherwise than this day, because it is illegal to order foods from outside -chicken, pizza, jajangmyun, for example. That fact makes the students more excited on Chicken Days, and I think it is related to psychological matters. If there are limited production, consumers are more devoted to gain that product though in times they don't actually need them, because of the imperative idea that they would not have much more other chances.

KMLA students are prohibited to eat cup ramyun: the Korean spicy instant noodles in cup. However, students who have to skip their meals because of their schedule eats the cup ramyun secretly. Not only because of the schedule, but students have it also just because they want to eat it. It is really delicious, and it's one of my favorite foods too. However, they are very bad for our health, and it also has cancer-causing elements, according to some studies.

2. SNS

The sixteenth wave was famous for using facebook so frequently even from before school started. Not only the sixteenth wave however, but most of the students of KMLA love to use facebook. They make numerous groups on facebook and do works together or chat about their recent. I also made a lot of friends, which are mostly KMLA students and graduates: I think facebook is really helpful in building relationships. People upload their recent photos, videos, opinions and others look at them, make comments or press the like button. It's really fun and entertaining, to see other's posts and chat with others online. However, in the same time, it is very dangerous for students since it is addictive!

MSN messengers: quite similar with the facebook, and both of them are actually connected. So if I turn on the MSN I can see my facebook updates right beside the messenger box. The messenger is sometimes more useful than the facebook because the messanger allows much more various emoticons, more private-and-long talk, and faster document-sends. Also the MSN allows students webcam chatting. MSN is also connected with Twitter. The three typical SNS-facebook, msn, twitter-are all connected. How convenient! 
KMLA students like these SNS because they have a lot of events that are needed to be discussed. There are numerous team projects, and also various club activities. Those are not able to be done by alone, and sometimes it is hard to meet face to face, and then the students use the SNS. But as mentioned, the SNS is not used only for this purpose but also for building relationships and checking others about their recent, just out of curiousity. Cyworld have once done the similar job, but now the three SNS is much more popular, at least in KMLA. SNS is doing a huge job in KMLA students' lives: it is the super-fast-messenger delivering what is happening in our school in seconds.

3. No morning Exercise

First Graders in KMLA have to do either kendo or taekwondo. Because of the much bigger size of kendo place, majority of the students have to take the kendo class. Since the morning exercise starts at 6:30 in the morning and both kendo and taekwondo are very tough classes, students are thrilled when they don't go to morning exercises in holidays or exam days. Not only first graders are happy but also the second and the third graders because even though they don't take the tough kendo and taekwondo classes, they do have morning exercises and waking up early (6:30 for second graders, 6:45 for third graders) is a hard task by itself. The second graders do jogging, and the third graders do easy gymnastics. 

One day, it was around March or April; because of the snow, the road was really slippery and 6:30 was too dark for the students to look at the road they step on. Thus, there was this announcement made by Daegi Kim, the boy's dormitory parent, in 6:10 : No Morning Exercise! It was not a holiday, nor an exam day, but just a normal day. Everyone was so excited!

댓글 4개:

  1. Food I like, SNS (well, windows live messenger because I don't have Facebook :P) I like, and no morning exercise I like. But you know what?

    I LIKE THE HONJEONG BREAD!!!! Never Say No to 혼정빵!!!
    And I love shleep!! Yes not a typo, intentional change in spelling, SHLEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!

  2. WOW I like all those three you just stated!!
    I agree with what you are saying :)

  3. If Joelle like these so much she should write about them on her blog! : ))

    Good post, and very true. Facebook really has become a valuable tool - especially for teachers who want to catch students Facebooking during class. If I need to ask student something, email seems to take too long. Facebook is often instant.

    Ramyun is only cancer causing is it's in the plastic cup, right?

    And I love mongshells. I've never thought about microwaving them, but I have eaten them frozen.

    I really think you guys should start a blog and share the password for it and call it "stuffkmlastudentslike.blogspot.com" It could be a new tradition!

  4. ㄴ ㅋㅋ Good idea! I expect to see many awkward things ㅋㅋㅋ
    Ramyun causes cancer not only because of the plastic cup but also because of the small bits of meat and veges(we call them flakes).
